Taxi tours in Bermuda

Getting around in Bermuda can be a LOT easier and a LOT less expensive than you think! Many tourist bus trips are much more expensive than personal tours in a comfortable, air-conditioned Bermuda taxi with a courteous, professional driver.
Many of our Bermuda Taxi drivers think of themselves as unofficial ambassadors for our island. All taxis are metered and rates are set by our Government. In addition, many of our taxi drivers are also excellent tour guides - please contact one of our excellent Bermuda Taxi drivers to set up your information taxi tour of Bermuda before you arrive on our beautiful island.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Jägermeister Chair by Ray Pasnen

Hear: The Jägermeister Chair

The Jaegermeister Chair - built by Chris Warburton at The Swizzle Inn in Bermuda.written and sung by Ray Pasnen

In May 2011, Chris Warburton, a manager at The Swizzle Inn in Bermuda, started saving the empty Jägermeister bottles that were being consumed on a nightly basis by the entertainer, Ray Pasnen, and the Swizzle's patrons. Over the next two summers, this came out to a total of more than 260 empty bottles. Chris knew what to do with them. One day in late 2012...

How it begins. Sitting drinking
Jäger at The Swizzle Inn.
A good night with a couple cool hotties feeling just right.
A little vodka, a little bit of rum
Always help to make the night feel a little bit more fun.
But when we want the party running at full throttle
we go into the freezer for the green glass bottle.
We might get loud but don't be scared...
we call it sitting in the
Jägermeister chair.

[more at the link]

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